Mount Krakatau child

Krakatau administratively into the area of Lampung Province
Krakatau is located in the Sunda Strait, between Java and Sumatra, has been well recognized and recorded in history since the 16th century
At that time the Sunda Strait has become a bustling business traffic from Europe (Netherlands, UK, and other sebaginya) to the East India (Indonesia).
In today's modern century Sunda Strait more important role as business traffic as well as the field of geology and marine science research.

Krakatau ancient times (Ancient) are estimated to have an altitude of 2,000 meters and a radius of 9 km2.
Enormity of the explosion has occurred in prehistoric times in 416 as recorded in ancient Javanese book "Pustaka Raja", and leaving 3 pieces of the island of Rakata islands, Sertung and length.
In subsequent developments led to the tops of Rakata, Danan and deeds.
Latest Krakatoa explosion that occurred on August 27, 1883 date has destroyed 3 / 4 of his body. The explosion caused a large wave reached a height of 40 meters.

After resting for 44 years, Anak Krakatau emerged in December 1927 and continues to grow until now
Now you can come and set foot here was looking for the mineral materials (volcanic bombs, lava, lappili) from the earth thrown up on the forming process
Krakatoa and the amazing explosion that has been recorded in history is now inviting you to come and conduct scientific research or just for recreation.
Currently, Anak Krakatau has reached a height of 200 meters above sea level with a diameter of 2 kilometers.
To visit Krakatau you can cross from Canti in Kalianda, one hour drive from Bandar Lampung, and with her ​​'motor boat' from there you can go to the area of Krakatoa.
Not far from Krakatau, there are islands Sebuku and Sabesi as a haven and a place to sleep. It only took 1.5 hours from Canti to reach this location.


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